2-21-2016 NF Youth Fund Raiser

Youth Mission Trip to Coahuila, Mexico

Fundraiser Auction

Sunday, February 21, 2016  12:30 pm

Northridge Friends Church

2655 N. Bullinger | Wichita, KS 67204 


The 2016 Youth Fundraiser Dinner & Auction will be held on Sun., Feb. 21 following the 10:15 Worship Service. Please plan now to stay and enjoy a great meal (donations accepted!), and then the fun of the auction.

Each student who is participating in the Spring Invasion 2016, the EFC-MAYM sponsored youth mission trip to Coahuila, Mexico over Spring Break will be auctioning off 4 hrs. of labor. If you have odd jobs (cleaning, babysitting, painting, whatever you need to have done!) you can bid on a student. Team up with others to increase your bidding power!


Gail Hancock, Auctioneer

Emporia, KS

